Brothers Return from LI Charged Up

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I wanted to take a few minutes to share my thoughts and impressions after attending the DU Leadership Institute in Phoenix on August 1-3 in Phoenix. WOW! Bruce Howard had told me over the last few years about the quality of the event and the transformative impact it has on undergrads and Alumni alike. I now believe him.

Eight chapter members made the sojourn and 5 alumni including Vaughn Jeffrey, Bruce Howard, Tyler Deary and his dad Tim as well as yours truly. It was a fine showing for SDSU.

The entire event is meticulously and professionally planned many months in advance. The facilities, organization, speakers, breakout sessions are all top notch. Some 400 undergrads and 100 alumni broke the bread of fellowship and brotherhood.

It is transformative events like this that get us out of the rut of mediocrity and fuzzy or no vision thinking which plagues much of our society today.

The Hotel was the classy Biltmore Hotel built in 1929 with Frank Lloyd Wright as the architect. It has seen many a US President as well as movie stars, industry leaders and sports icons. It was a great backdrop for this encounter. The 106 degree heat was not an issue (except for those poor fools who went golfing..Bruce) because all events were inside and the resort pool was inviting.

The LI is designed to enrich undergrad leaders, serve as a reunion for alumns, act as an exchange of ideas and planning for the staff, mobilize all to the call we have to become better men, to recognize and appreciate the increasingly high level of achievement growth experienced by DU in the last 7 years, and to galvanize us to prepare for life and the changing world we live in. It is also a wonderful interaction of young leaders from different schools and a chance for alumns to interact and help undergrads from all schools.

Charismatic Chairman Justin Kirk opened up the event and exhibited great skill as a speaker and motivator throughout. President Bernard Franklin gave the ‘Charge” to the group and as he always seems to do, passionately challenged and encouraged us individually and as a group to seek excellence. We were fortunate to also witness that evening, a DU Initiation Ritual conducted perfectly and reminding us of the timeless principles and sacred oath that form a foundation for our way of thinking.

Over the three day event we heard polished and relevant speakers who dealt with the key issues undergrads deal with as well as the future issues/challenges we all will face. Landing Peter Ueberroth as a speaker was a major coup. The former MLB Commissioner, Chairman of the 1984 Olympics and Time Magazine Man of the Year (and a DU!) is one of the most influential people around. Listening to him talk about the world, business and sports, as well as filed our questions was a rare and insightful treat.

In addition to quality speakers, 10 undegrads and recent grads each spoke for 8-10 minutes on some passion in their lives in a session entitled “Ignite”. These were gifted young men that showed us you can effectively communicate your passion to hundreds of people even if you are only 22. The issues they raised also caused us to search our hearts and minds.

All 3 days also provided breakout sessions that allowed undergrads to choose 3-4 sessions a day on such topics as recruitment, the ritual, various leadership issues, substance abuse, alumni relations, career issues, respect for women, and many others. Chapter members could split up so that most of the relevant course could be covered. The members then would share what they learned with their counterparts.

For me the highlights were:

  1. Seeing the quality of leadership in the staff, alumni and chapter members. These are committed quality men.
  2. Realizing the core values of DU are so aligned with mine and are exactly what this country needs to go forward.
  3. To fellowship with the SDSU clan and find out more about their lives and goals.
  4. To spend 2 hours with Bernard Franklin in his room with SDSU contingent as he sought feedback.
  5. Catching the vision and passion of the speakers as they taught about “Change” and “Involvement” and ‘Character.”
  6. Speaking with undergrads from other schools and helping out where I could.
  7. Having a steak dinner with Tyler and Tim Deary.
  8. Bruce, Vaughn and I speaking at a Breakout Session on Alumni Relations.
  9. The 5 hours ride back home with Bruce and Vaughn.

Without exception, we all agreed (undergrads and alumns) that this event had huge impact on all of us. We have vowed to redouble our efforts to conform ourselves to the ideals and core values of DU and to seek improvement to DU as a local chapter and an international organization. It is transformative events like this that get us out of the rut of mediocrity and fuzzy or no vision thinking which plagues much of our society today.

I want to encourage and even urge all undergrads and as many alums as possible to experience an LI (or 2 or 3!). It is fun, satisfying, challenging, edifying and well worth the time and money it may cost. Feel free to call or email me to ask any questions about this. I look forward to next year’s event in Kansas City. I hope we can get 6-7 alumni to go and help the undergrads financially so that we can send at least 8-10.

John Little

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2013 Leadership Institute Leaves Impact

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  • Juanny –

    Nicely written! Love the hats! I’ll call soon and figure out a time for us to “do” lunch. Would love to hear more…

    Hugs & Kisses…
    Snapper –


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