State of the Alumni

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This will be my last State of the Alumni report as president of our organization and I’ll try to keep it brief, but with so many good things happening, keeping brief may be a challenge.

For those of you who missed it, we just came off our best Wiffle Ball Tournament ever (see the Galleries page for pictures). Having a good time has never been a problem for us anyway and we’ve got a lot more planned in the coming months. Be sure to come out for Aztec football games a little early and join us for a burger and a beer. The chapter hosts a BBQ before each home game in section B3.

We continue to support the chapter in a number of ways including scholarship awards, leadership programs, mentorship programs and career assistance. Our highly decorated, award winning, trail blazing, puppy loving, tireless Chapter Advisor, Bruce Howard, has put together a program to match alumni advisors with chapter officers to help them with their responsibilities.

Our programs for the chapter are moving along well and the actives are gearing up for rush in a few weeks. You can help by either coming out for Taco Tuesday or by making a contribution directly to the chapter to help offset rush expenses. You can donate through Pay Pal here.

One of our biggest challenges moving forward will be to continue building our database. Though our list has never been larger than it is today, we still have a lot of work to do. Please, if you know of any brother that is not receiving our emails or has lost contact with our organization, please put them in touch with our Membership Chair, David Lesperance at or you can go to our online web form and send us their information there.

Finally, I’ve really enjoyed being president of our organization over the last five years. Frankly, it began as a real pain in the butt, but has since become a real joy, mostly due to the fact that we have such a great board of directors. These guys have really made my job a lot easier. We are a very successful organization today because of their dedication and commitment to building a great alumni association. Now it’s on to even bigger and better things for DU.

I’d like to officially thank the board for their hard work and dedication over the years. These guys are nothing short of amazing:

Ken Bobadilla
Kim Cox
Bill Deering
Joe Duffel
Rick Galyen
Vaughn Jeffery
Bruce Howard
John Little
Terry McCormick
Lou Tapia

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  • Franz Manny Kroellian
    February 25, 2013 5:01 pm

    Hey thanks for your great work Dave Say Hello to Kenny B, Bruce Howard, Bill Deering (whats his number in north county S D?) mine is 760 201-3818 or weekends 224-6305. Manuk Kroellian, MEd, MBA Thumper still around? you send your emails to funky site of mine soon to be

    Thanks Again stay in touch


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