State of the Chapter, Fall 2020

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Summary from our Chapter President, Kyle Kosmos The DU Chapter at San Diego State is in good shape. The adversity that we faced at the end of 2019 had better prepared us for the changes of 2020. Our Chapter leadership is strong and very involved with our Alumni Board. As I see the other 13…

DU Amid COVID-19

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Delta Upsilon in 2020 This past year was cut short for our chapter, however, we still strived to do as much as we could, when we could. Events that stood out this year for us were Greek Conference Los Angeles (GCLA), and Dance Marathon. Fifteen of our active members attended the conference in LA with…

The Duck: A Game Telling History

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Once upon a time… …nearly a half-century ago, three DU Fraternity brothers spent a summer at the edge of paradise, playing a softball game called “over-the-line” in the sands at South Mission Beach. The brothers were a carefree bunch boasting comic book names–Bernie Nydam, Keith Maynard Eshelman and Lee Snap Marshall. Their home that summer…

San Diego Dedicates it’s New Chapter House

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A Power House at SDSU Once Again With over a hundred members and a new chapter house, DU is back in full force, but the job isn’t complete. As Brother Bruce Howard is fond of saying, “Let’s run through the finish line.” Brothers, It has been an exciting past couple of years, we have celebrated…

Get Your Name Permanently Inscribed on the New Chapter House

Chapter House Tile Program Contributions to the Chapter House Fund now come with a tile that has your name on it. It’s easy, all you have to do is make a donation of $250 or more and we’ll put your name on a tiled brick in the lobby of the new chapter house. There’s nothing…

Fall 2015 Chapter Update

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The undergraduate chapter has expand from from 20 to the current 80 members over the last five years including the outstanding Fall 2015 class shown above. Read more about the undergraduate accomplishments by downloading their Fall 2015 Chapter Newsletter here: NewsletterFall2015

Contribute to the DU Scholarship Fund

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A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO BROTHER JOE AND ALL OF OUR GENEROUS ALUMNI WHO HAVE RESPONDED TO JOE’S SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS! Joe offered to match up to $5,000 in alumni donations made in both 2014 and 2015 for scholarship funds designated for our San Diego State DU undergraduates for leadership…

Spring 2015 Chapter Update

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Here’s the latest newsletter from the chapter. There’s a lot of really great stuff happening on 5545 Hardy Avenue so check it out. Chapter Newsletter, Spring 2015

Fall Rush Results

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Our undergraduate brothers continue to steadily grow a quality Chapter. The fall Rush produced a 24 man Pledge Class that has the Chapter Leadership Team and Alumni Advisors excited. The new recruitment class is an impressive group of young men full of energy and excitement about being DU’s and helping their Chapter to be recognized…