Chapter Programs

Mentorship, Internships and Career Guidance

From mentorship to career assistance, there are a lot of ways alumni can help actives excel in school and gain an advantage in their burgeoning careers.

We encourage alumni to participate in any of the programs listed below or to come up with your own ideas to help out. If you have a program in mind that you think would benefit the active chapter, make sure you run it by the current Chapter Advisor and he’ll help you implement a plan that is suitable for everyone.


Mentor An Active

Requirements are simple: Either meet or chat with an active several times throughout the semester and listen to some of the challenges they face. If you can offer guidance in anyway, they’ll be very grateful. For more details, contact John Little who heads the program.


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Adopt-A-Duck Internships

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Bro Connect

Have a Job for an Active?

Through our database, actives can search for alumni that share their same interests or career path. Alumni are encouraged to help provide interviews and internships at their companies whenever possible. To get involved, complete your profile and make yourself available for guidance.


Give a Scholarship

By donating to the DUEF, you can help reward an active for excelling in scholarship and leadership. The scholarship helps to pay for additional leadership training throughout the year for actives that show promise. Your contributions to this program are tax deductible.

Guest Speaking

What Do You Know?

The Chapter Advisor is always looking for alumni interested in sharing their skills with the Chapter. Provide a workshop on leadership, interviewing, resume writing or career building. All speakers and presenters are approved by Bruce Howard, the current Chapter Advisor.
