The Future: How will we do… DU?

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The future of DU at San Diego State is bright and let me tell you why…

First, we have put our chapter in a great position to sustain the changes of COVID campus life. The decision to sell the house has put us in a proactive position. Many of the other fraternities on campus are struggling with their finances due to the sudden change in the “online campus” environment. Big Empty fraternities are a recipe for financial disaster. WE dodged a bullet.

We have settled into an organized area on campus called Fraternity Row. The University recognizes DU as a benchmark fraternity that is supported by a strong Alumni. Being ahead of these campus changes allows us to stay ahead of the growth and recruitment opportunities—we show stability before the other fraternities have adapted to the new campus life.

Our Financials:

As part of my 2020 goal, I have committed to make our Alumni Board as transparent as possible to our Alumni. Beginning this month, we will post our YTD Balance Sheet and YTD P&L of the Alumni on our new website. This information is only accessible to Alumni who have registered their alumni profiles to:

The Digital Fraternity:

In my opinion, the future of Delta Upsilon Fraternity and its status as a top tier fraternity is going to depend on our digital, online presence and strong Alumni support for the actives in the chapter house. These two items are going to be our Alumni Board goals to be achieved by the end of the year. Here is how you can help:

We have re-vamped and updated our Alumni Website to be more interactive and intuitive to the user. Brother Dave “Dino” Maiolo offered his services to bring to “life” the NEW DU. It’s a work in progress, but we’d love your feedback on a few pages we’re still developing: – the Home page is done, and you can let me know what changes or additions you would like to see. – the big project has been the member directory, which is designed to allow bros to connect with each other, search for old friends and to offer assistance with careers. For example, a graduating senior can sort by career and get advice, help, referrals and possibly a job interview by finding alumni in a particular line of work. – This page is CRITICAL to our involvement to support our Chapter members who would like MENTOR actives. With the use of “ZOOM” video conferencing, I am committed to recruiting alumni to help mentor these under graduates as they approach graduation. Monthly, quarterly programs are available. Adopt A Duck- Please reach out to me for more details ( – The History page has been restyled and modernized, content still needs to be updated so we could use your help remembering the facts. We need MORE PICTURES! Our Goal is to have 4 groups of historic photo galleries, (60’s-70’s, 70’s- 80’s, 80’s-90’s, 90’s to 2000). Please email or contact us if you have some photos to send. – Here is our current Board. Far from perfect, but perfectly happy with our leadership. Now that we have moved to an online format using “ZOOM” video conferencing; NOW is the time to expand our Board of Directors and committee chairs to bring new ideas and contributions. We are looking to add a Bay Area, Los Angeles, Orange County and an out of state SDSU DU Alumni board members to join. We need a Communications Committee Chair and a Programs Committee Chair as well. Please contact me if you are interested and I will be happy to go over the details with you. (

In Summary,

There is a lot to be thankful for. We have weathered the storm and have persevered. Our Migration to a new location is complete and now is the time to support the flock. Now is the time to gather all ducks and collaborate with new ideas and events that will make us stronger together.

The Power of What if?

What if we had more board members bring new ideas that created momentum?

What if we had more Alumni register to the new website and offer to mentor?

What if we organized a San Diego charity event called, “Spring Break, San Felipe”?

How do I update my contact info?

Please send your updated contact info to Alternatively, you can send your information to Vince Ferraro, Alumni Relations Board Advisor at

How do I contact the San Diego DU Alumni Association?

The best way to connect with us is through the Duck Talk blog and our Facebook page. If you haven’t done so already, please join the Facebook group.

How can I get more involved?

The continued purpose and vision of DU Alumni is to serve our community of brotherhood by offering our wisdom, leadership and mentorship to our active members; to build better men. If you would like to know more on how to join the DU Alumni board, please email:

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